ABU DHABI // The head of a nursery that was closed for failing to meet standards simply found a different sponsor and opened another early-learning centre.
But now the loophole in the sponsor system that the director was exploiting has been closed.
Anyone applying to open a nursery must now supply the director's CV, said Moza Al Shoomi, the head of the children's department at the Ministry of Social Affairs.
The system will also allow the ministry to check if directors are qualified.
"The problem is the licence of the nursery is under the name of a local sponsor," Ms Al Shoomi said.
After the new nursery opened, a ministry check revealed it was the same director. "In a new building, new tools, new staff - same director," she said.
"When we saw who was the director, when our colleagues checked, they said, 'Moza, this is the same director for that nursery you closed last year'."
A decision to change policy was made.
"[Now] we do not give approval, the first approval, if we don't know who will direct this nursery."
Nursery directors must have proper qualifications, ideally in education, early childhood or business administration, making them more dedicated to their work, Ms Al Shoomi said.