Dubai police warn on overseas internet scam

DUBAI // Police have warned tourists to be more vigilant when accessing their email accounts from public places while abroad.

Maj Gen Khalil Al Mansouri, assistant to the Dubai Police chief for criminal investigation affairs, said the department had received several cases where internet users’ email accounts had been hacked.

“The hackers use the email account to access the victim’s friends list and then ask them for money,” he said. “They usually target those on the list they see are closest to the victim and those who are more likely to empathise and give money.

“These hackers also usually pretend that they are lost [on holiday] and have lost their belongings.”

Maj Gen Al Mansouri warned people against accessing any of their personal accounts from internet cafes or public computers, especially in other countries. He said this made them vulnerable to criminals who could steal and change their passwords.

“There was a case in which a woman visiting Dubai said she received an email from a well-known artist in her home country. He claimed that he had lost all his luggage and was asking for Dh1,000,” he said. “The suspect even went as far as to send pictures of himself at tourist destinations.

“She sent him money, but was suspicious when he again asked her to send cash.”

Maj Gen Al Mansouri said the woman told Dubai Police, who discovered the photos were available on the internet.

Lt Col Salem bin Salmeen, deputy director of the anti-electronic crime department, said suspects would be arrested if they lived in the emirate. He added that if the suspects were not in the country, Dubai Police sent all the information to the relevant authorities where the scammers reside.

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