A disabled pilot who was undertaking a round-the-world flight died after crashing while trying to land in Thailand. Mike Lomberg, 60, a former South African Air Force pilot, was coming in to land at Bang Phra airport on Sunday when the incident happened Eyewitness footage showed Lomberg approaching the runway before suddenly veering to the left and disappearing into nearby trees. The flier, who lost the use of his legs in a car accident in 1990, was piloting the plane through 40 countries to raise awareness about disability. He passed through Dubai World Central last month to great fanfare and to tell of how he operated the plane by hand alone. Small planes typically have foot pedals to control movement and descent. Lomberg said he wanted to show that those with physical disability need not be prevented from achieving their goals. A spokesman for Handiflight said: "Dear friends, we are so sad to inform you of the death of our friend Mike Lomberg due to the accident that happened shortly before he landed at Bang Phra Airport in Thailand. "This tragic accident is inexplicable at the moment. The investigation is ongoing. "Mike’s family – Peta, Chris, Amy and Jem would like to thank you all for your messages of love and support. "Mike’s life was filled with unbelievable challenges, but he was defined by his abilities in every sense."