<strong>One of my partners in our company filed an arbitration case against me. The case took more than 6 months in court and I lost it. I would now like to file nullification case to object the judgment. Please advise how to proceed?</strong> This month the new arbitration law No. 6 of 2018 was issued. This law organises the procedures for applying to nullify the arbitration awards as per article No. 55/2 of this law you have to file the nullification case to the competent courts within 30 days starting from the day following the day of the award. If the nullification case has been accepted, the judgment could be canceled partially or in full. <strong>I damaged my neighbour's car and he filed a criminal case against me. My passport is now being held with police. Can I request that he issue me a waiver to drop charges against me? If he gave me such a waiver, will the case be considered closed or will I still need a lawyer? If the case is dropped will I be able to travel again freely?</strong> Yes, if you could get a waiver from your neighbour, the case shall be closed. Such waiver should be submitted to the prosecution, police station or criminal courts. If the case has been closed, you will be free to travel and you do not need a lawyer. It is advisable that such waiver shall be signed in the Notary Public or before the competent judicial authority. <em>If you have a question for our lawyer, please email it to media@professionallawyer.me</em><em> with the subject line "Know the law".</em>