Staff of UAE Volleyball Association jailed for embezzlement

DUBAI // A secretary of the UAE Volleyball Association was sentenced to a year in prison after being convicted of embezzlement and forgery.

The Egyptian OS, 24, admitted to the Dubai Criminal Court that he stole Dh68,000 from the organisation by forging four cheques.

The fraud was discovered by NM, a 46-year-old accountant, who was auditing the association’s account when he discovered a cheque that had not been issued was cashed.

“The cheque was worth Dh8,000,” said the accountant, who said he then found another three cheques missing.

Following the discovery, he received a call from the secretary who requested for a meeting with him.

The secretary told the accountant at the meeting that he had taken the four cheques and cashed them by forging the signatures.

He added that he was planning to leave for Egypt.

The accountant had alerted another colleague about the meeting and when the colleague arrived, the two of them escorted the secretary back to the association and contacted police.

The court fined OS Dh68,000 and ordered him to repay the same amount to the association.

He will be deported after completing his prison term.

Company Profile

Company name: Yeepeey

Started: Soft launch in November, 2020

Founders: Sagar Chandiramani, Jatin Sharma and Monish Chandiramani

Based: Dubai

Industry: E-grocery

Initial investment: $150,000

Future plan: Raise $1.5m and enter Saudi Arabia next year


Touch is derived from rugby league. Teams consist of up to 14 players with a maximum of six on the field at any time.

Teams can make as many substitutions as they want during the 40 minute matches.

Similar to rugby league, the attacking team has six attempts - or touches - before possession changes over.

A touch is any contact between the player with the ball and a defender, and must be with minimum force.

After a touch the player performs a “roll-ball” - similar to the play-the-ball in league - stepping over or rolling the ball between the feet.

At the roll-ball, the defenders have to retreat a minimum of five metres.

A touchdown is scored when an attacking player places the ball on or over the score-line.