Investors win Dh84m claim against developer in Dubai

A Dubai developer has been ordered to pay three men Dh84m after they failed to deliver villas the men had purchased from a housing project near Dubai Land.

The three Asian investors told Dubai Real Estate Court that in 2007 they made an agreement with the developer to purchase 14 villas at a total cost of Dh341.2m from which they paid Dh84m.

The villas were part of a multi-purpose development project in the Dubai Land area covering over 4.15 million square feet, which was going to consist of villas and low-rise apartment buildings surrounding a golf course.

In 2012 none of the villas had yet been delivered so the trio made a new agreement with the developer.

They cancelled their order for 14 villas and replaced it with a new order for five villas on the condition that the new villas be delivered by June 30, 2014 and the difference in price to be returned to them.

Documents provided to the court by the trio’s legal consultant, Hasan Elhais from Al Rowad Advocates, proved that the three men had made the Dh84m payment but had not received the remaining balance after decreasing the number of villas they had purchased.

An expert, who was assigned by the court to perform an assessment of the development project, said the project was pending closure as only 19 per cent of it had been completed over nine years. In addition, the developer was found to have insufficient funds and labour to deliver the project.

The report was backed by a letter from the Dubai Land Department.

The assessment also showed that the investors paid more than the value of five villas and had not been returned the difference in price.

The trio’s lawyer asked the court to cancel all agreements between his clients and the developer and to order the return of the full paid amount of Dh84m.

The court obliged but ordered the developer to return the amount in addition to an annual 9 per cent interest from the date of the original agreement in 2007.

Some of Darwish's last words

"They see their tomorrows slipping out of their reach. And though it seems to them that everything outside this reality is heaven, yet they do not want to go to that heaven. They stay, because they are afflicted with hope." - Mahmoud Darwish, to attendees of the Palestine Festival of Literature, 2008

His life in brief: Born in a village near Galilee, he lived in exile for most of his life and started writing poetry after high school. He was arrested several times by Israel for what were deemed to be inciteful poems. Most of his work focused on the love and yearning for his homeland, and he was regarded the Palestinian poet of resistance. Over the course of his life, he published more than 30 poetry collections and books of prose, with his work translated into more than 20 languages. Many of his poems were set to music by Arab composers, most significantly Marcel Khalife. Darwish died on August 9, 2008 after undergoing heart surgery in the United States. He was later buried in Ramallah where a shrine was erected in his honour.


Starring: Winona Ryder, Michael Keaton, Jenny Ortega

Director: Tim Burton

Rating: 3/5

How to protect yourself when air quality drops

Install an air filter in your home.

Close your windows and turn on the AC.

Shower or bath after being outside.

Wear a face mask.

Stay indoors when conditions are particularly poor.

If driving, turn your engine off when stationary.

Our legal consultants

Name: Hassan Mohsen Elhais

Position: legal consultant with Al Rowaad Advocates and Legal Consultants.

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