Abu Dhabi Police on Tuesday warned the public to beware of criminals’ websites resembling those of well-known brands. Officials said customers who placed orders on such sites never received the items they paid for. Others received counterfeit goods. Shoppers are usually lured to these websites by huge discounts, said Maj Gen Mohammed Al Rashedi, head of forensics security at Abu Dhabi Police. Fraudsters withdraw money from people’s accounts once they enter their credit card details to make a purchase. He said internet users should be wary before making any online purchase “because anyone could start a fake account to scam others”. “Scammers often look for services that people need and offer competitive prices to attract buyers,” he said. Such accounts post contact numbers that are outside the country, and this should be an indication that the account is illegitimate, said Col Rashid Al Dhaheri, head of the criminal investigation department at the force. “People are lured by the special offers, but do not receive anything for the money they spent.” He urged residents to immediately report any cons to the police by calling the toll-free number 800 2626 (AMAN2626), or by sending a text message to 2828. Reports can also be made by email to <span><a href="mailto:aman@adpolice.gov.ae">aman@adpolice.gov.ae</a></span>, or through the Abu Dhabi Police mobile app.