@Body-InfoboxBullets:? Death is defined as being either when a person's heart stops beating and they cannot be revived, or when all brain functions collapse and cannot be repaired. ? No information relating to the donor, dead or alive, should be disclosed unless absolutely necessary. ? No genital organs should be the subject of transplants. ? A written will agreeing to donate organs must be signed and witnessed by two legal representatives.
? The deceased's next of kin can give approval. If there are a number of first-degree relatives, the majority must agree. ? A transplant cannot take place if the deceased had a written affidavit, signed by two witnesses, objecting to donating their organs. ? A team of three doctors, unconnected to the transplant surgery and including a neurologist, must confirm the death. ? A living donor, the deceased's family or the recipient of the organ can change their mind at any time before the surgery.
? Trade in human organs is prohibited. ? Only medical centres authorised by the Ministry of Health can perform organ transplants.