ABU DHABI // A Jordanian mother of four has won the Creativity for a Cause Campaign competition to find the woman with the best idea to improve society.
Muna Zayed, who lives in Oman, came up with an idea to help women become financially independent by teaching them how to make gift baskets at home.
The competition, which was launched on International Women’s Day on March 8 by Philadelphia Cream Cheese, received more than 600 entries.
Ms Zayed said: “My inspiration comes from the problems in the Middle East. My sister lost her husband in her 20s and so did my sister-in-law. But my sister has a degree and can work, while my sister-in-law did not, and she had small kids. I want to help women in such circumstances.”
She plans to use her Dh54,980 prize money to launch a centre where women will be taught how to make gift baskets.
“The main target for this project is to get money to help these families and allow them to work,” she said.