Finally, I moved into my new apartment in Abu Dhabi.
It has been a very long process indeed, and finally here I am.
At times thought the whole process has felt like a labyrinth.
Speaking of labyrinth, I can relate to the quote from the fantasy film of that name: "Because it is in pain that we find the meaning of life."
Pain and suffering are processes of living, now that I am going through this, I believe this quote is going to be my backbone for a while.
Maybe it was because had the flu, but this week has been a bit difficult.
I was feeling a bit inattentive, maybe uninspired.
I came up with many story ideas, but some of them would not fit or were not relevant to the newspaper. I was still a bit indecisive about some of the ideas. I do not know why.
It was a bit of a tough week for me, to be frank. But do I know that this process needs time.
So I will instead focus on the positive outcomes of the week.
Number one is having my own place. Number two getting along better with the people at work and number three is the great support I am getting from my colleagues.
I like the positive reinforcements, and getting to know more about people is also great. They do help boost my energy when I am being utterly pessimistic about myself and my capability.
I would especially like to thank Amna, who took me out to an outside press conference on the Green Economy.
In spite of being oblivious to the subject, I still agreed to join her to learn.
Amna is a great journalist in her way of approaching people with questions. She is bright, inquisitive, and inspiring to me.
Nevertheless, I started being more out there, talking to people at work, asking questions and asking for help.