ABU DHABI // A taxi driver who was fined Dh2,000 after running a red light and crashing into another car told the Appeals Court yesterday it was not his fault – it was the traffic light’s.
The driver, an Egyptian, said the light at an intersection near the InterContinental Hotel turned green and he drove ahead. However, he said traffic travelling across his direction of travel also received a green light at the same time, causing him to crash.
“It was the traffic light’s fault, there was an accident the following day for the same reason,” he said.
He claimed to have revisited the accident scene to monitor the traffic light sequence, when he discovered the other accident. He then called traffic police and told them to investigate for themselves, ordering a report for which he had to pay Dh1,000. He claimed that a few days later the sequencing of the lights was fixed.
Despite his claims, he was previously fined Dh2,000 by a court, and is now appealing for this to be dropped.
A verdict will be announced on September 20.