A Closer Look: What we know about UAE's prize draw suspension

Raffles and lotteries including Mahzooz and Emirates Draw are on hold pending an industry review

In A Closer Look, The National provides an in-depth take on one of the main stories of the week

UAE authorities have told the operators of raffles and prize draws to suspend activities amid a review into the industry.

In recent years the public have been able to buy tickets to win prizes in the millions of dirhams - with tales of winners' luck spurring on more players every week.

The country is setting up a commission to look at all forms of gaming activities.

Here, host Sarah Forster hears from The National's Tom Evans about what the review involves - and why some draw tickets are still on sale.

Read more

Winner of Emirates Draw Dh25k a month prize to receive money despite UAE raffle pause

Big Ticket: Indian man wins Dh1 million with childhood friends on Christmas Day

UAE raffle winners – in pictures

Updated: March 06, 2024, 8:48 AM