Emirati astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi takes photos of wildfires from space

Space station crew member pays tribute to those tackling the blazes

Smoke rises from wildfires in Greece and Turkey, respectively, as the International Space Station passed over them. Photo: Sultan Al Neyadi / Twitter
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UAE astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi has shared photos from space of the wildfires affecting Greece and Turkey.

Dr Al Neyadi paid tribute to those tackling the blazes and said his thoughts were with those affected.

Greece and Turkey are among the countries hit by wildfires, in which dozens of people have died, amid a severe heatwave in parts of Europe.

“I was able to capture these images of smoke rising from wildfires in Greece and Turkey, respectively, as the ISS [International Space Station] passed over them,” Dr Al Neyadi's post read.

“To those affected and brave individuals fighting wildfires around the world, please stay safe. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you.”

The Greek island of Rhodes has been particularly badly hit. Resident had to flee homes and thousands of tourists were affected.

Dr Al Neyadi, meanwhile, is entering his final weeks on the ISS.

He arrived on March 3 to carry out the Arab world's longest space mission and is scheduled to head home towards the end of next month.

In April, he carried out a spacewalk, marking another first for an astronaut from the region.

Wildfires hit the Mediterranean – in pictures

Updated: July 29, 2023, 8:37 AM