Pupils are returning to school for the final week of the academic year after enjoying a break for Eid Al Adha. The National
Pupils are returning to school for the final week of the academic year after enjoying a break for Eid Al Adha. The National

UAE schools urge pupils to complete full term before summer break

It is business as usual for many schools that remain open for the final week of the academic year despite there being just a few days left of term after the public holiday.

As the final school week is sandwiched between the Eid Al Adha holiday and the long summer break, some resident families have already travelled back home to take advantage of the week-long Eid holidays.

However, school principals have urged pupils not to miss classes unless there is a legitimate reason for their absence.

“We follow the Knowledge and Human Development Authority guidelines which advise that students are expected to attend the entire academic year unless a request for absence has previously been authorised by the school,” said Maryssa O’Connor, principal and chief executive of Gems Wellington International School and senior vice president of education at Gems Education.

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      Ms O'Connor emphasised that the rules were in place to protect the well-being of the child.

      “It is important that parents notify schools if their child will be absent to ensure the whereabouts of the child is known and that they are safe.”

      Any pupils who are on leave now have applied for prior permission, which has been approved, said another principal.

      “Any families who have used the Eid break to travel have completed leave of absence forms for approval, as per our attendance policy,” said Rebecca Coulter, principal of Dubai British School.

      Rebecca Coulter, principal of Dubai British School, said pupils who are not attending classes have applied for leave which has been approved. Photo: Rebecca Coulter

      “The end of the academic year is always a special time for our students and our staff. It’s a chance to celebrate our many individual and collective accomplishments with our community, consolidate our learning and prepare for the new academic year ahead.”

      Not mandatory to end year with Eid break

      The KHDA had earlier stated it was at the discretion of the schools themselves when they end the term – as long as a certain number of days were completed and the last day of term was not before June 28.

      In the current academic year, pupils must attend school for 188 days.

      For Indian curriculum schools that start their academic year in April, summer break started on July 3.

      While dates can vary from school to school, most terms appear to be ending on July 7.

      Many of the academic calendars in Dubai show schools closing in early July. But several American, British and Indian schools have already closed for the summer break.

      Classes remain in full swing in schools that are still open until next week, despite some families having already left for home after the Eid break.

      “Of course, some families are already travelling given the timing of Eid Al Adha so close to the end of term, but many are still in Dubai, with their children in school for these last few days of the academic year,” said Campbell Douglas, principal and chief executive of Gems Wellington Academy-Al Khail.

      “There is still plenty of teaching and learning taking place across all phases of the school, with a number of activities, lessons and celebrations planned.”

      Top Dubai schools - in pictures

      Each year, Kings’ School Al Barsha offers a limited number of scholarships to secondary and sixth form pupils of exceptional merit and potential. Photo: Satish Kumar / The National
      Updated: July 04, 2023, 6:30 AM