Dubai taxi drivers return Dh5.6m in cash and lost valuables to passengers

One gave back Dh3.6m that was left in his cab

Three of the drivers honoured. Their actions were described as a 'source of joy for everyone'.  Photo: Roads and Transport Authority
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Dubai's taxi drivers returned more than Dh5.6 million in lost valuables and cash to passengers last year.

The Roads and Transport Authority said 101 of its drivers returned items, including a black bag containing Dh1 million worth of diamonds.

One driver returned Dh3.6 million in cash that had been left in his taxi.

Other items included a plastic bag with gold valued at Dh200,000 inside, and branded watches and handbags worth more than Dh400,000.

They also found and returned large sums of cash.

One handed their employer Dh183,000, with others returning Dh200,000 and Dh221,000.

Other items returned by drivers included 12,410 mobile phones, 2,819 electronic devices and 342 laptops.

The RTA applauded the honesty of the drivers and said they had been honoured.

“Reports of lost and found items by drivers are a source of joy for everyone,” said Ahmed Bahrozyan, chief executive of the Public Transport Agency.

“They set excellent examples of honesty, integrity, good manners and responsibility.”

He said the drivers' conduct reveals their true character and helps to create a positive image for Dubai’s transport systems.

“RTA focuses on honouring drivers regularly to motivate and reward their honesty, high ethics and commendable handling of other people’s money,” he added.

“Their honesty reflects positively on their performance and elevates the standard of the taxi service in the emirate.”

Updated: April 28, 2023, 6:04 AM