UAE weather: fog and high humidity this week before expected fall in temperature

Conditions are set to change as autumn gives way to winter

Fog along Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai. Victor Besa / The National
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There will be foggy conditions and high humidity in the mornings this week as the autumn gives way to winter.

UAE residents woke to misty conditions on Monday morning and more is expected throughout the week.

Police urged early morning commuters to take care.

The fog, which was heaviest in Ras Al Khaimah, was expected to lift by about 9am.

Temperatures may reach the mid-30s during the day but could be in the low 20s at night, the national weather centre's forecast showed.

The high humidity in September and early October tends to drop off in the second half of October, giving way to several months of cool and sunny winter conditions.

Updated: October 17, 2022, 5:08 AM