Doctors in Abu Dhabi reattach man's severed finger after accident

Egyptian patient praises medics who performed six-hour operation and 'never gave up' on him

Mohamed Mansour Mohamed severed his finger in an accident involving a window. Photo: Burjeel Medical City

A man whose finger was severed in a freak accident has had it reattached by medics in Abu Dhabi.

Mohamed Mansour Mohamed, 30, who works at a farm in the emirate, was spending the day at a friend’s home when the accident happened.

While closing a bathroom window, a glass pane fell on to the Egyptian's hand, slicing off his left index finger.

His friend found him unconscious on the floor and rushed him to a nearby hospital, taking the finger with them.

Mr Mohamed said: “Fortunately, my friend's house is located near Burjeel Medical City, so I was transferred there within minutes. When I realised the extent of my injuries, I thought I had permanently lost that finger. Little did I expect that I stood a chance to regain the finger.”

Mr Mohamed suffered various injuries to other fingers but because the severed digit had been properly preserved, doctors managed to reattach it.

The six-hour operation was carried out by a medical team led by Dr Leon Alexander, a specialist in plastic surgery at Burjeel Medical City.

The doctor fixed the bone using a stiff, straight wire, before repairing the tendons. He then fixed the arteries and veins under the microscope. Once a good blood flow was established, the skin was then stitched up.

Dr Alexander said a reattached body part never regains 100 per cent of its original function.

“Most doctors consider regaining 60 per cent to 80 per cent of use an excellent result,” he said. “However, most replanted digits get approximately only 50 per cent of total motion. Despite this, a replanted digit is always better than a finger/hand prosthesis, both in terms of appearance and function.

“Meanwhile, the cut nerves regenerate at a rate of 1 millimetre a day, so the patient should get back sensation on the replanted digit gradually over six to 12 months.”

Mr Mohamed now requires three to six months of occupational therapy.

“I still cannot believe what has happened so far,” he said.

“Even though I am away from my family, I still felt like I was among my family members. I thank the medical and nursing team that took great care of me.

“They provided me with medical and psychological support and they never gave up on me.”

Updated: August 17, 2022, 1:35 PM