What does the crossed-out syringe on Al Hosn app mean?

The icon means you have recently had Covid-19 and are temporarily exempt from vaccination

The syringe icon on the Al Hosn app shows you have had Covid in the last three months and are exempted from vaccination. The National

If you have recently recovered from Covid-19 you may notice your green pass looks a little different.

In the top left-hand corner, there will be a syringe icon with a cross through it.

But what does it mean?

The National explains.

Why is there a syringe with a cross through it on my Al Hosn app?

It shows you had contracted Covid during the last three months and are exempted from vaccination.

“This icon automatically appears for users who have tested positive for Covid-19 and have recovered,” said an official in a video shared on Al Hosn Twitter page.

People who have been exempted from receiving the vaccine because of a health condition will have the sign permanently on their Al Hosn app.

How long will it remain for?

It will disappear after 90 days of testing positive to Covid.

What will happen after that?

You will be able to receive a vaccine/booster, if you are eligible for one.

“After 90 days have passed, you are allowed to take your Covid-19 vaccination,” said the official in the video.

How long will my Al Hosn remain red?

Ten days at most. You can wait out the quarantine period of 10 days and your pass will automatically turn green on day 11. It will then remain green for 30 days. After that, you will be required to take a PCR test every 14 days.

But if you are fully recovered before 10 days, you can take a PCR test. If the result is negative, take another test after 24 hours. If the result again comes back negative, you are free to go out. Your app will remain green for 30 days. After that, you will be required to take a PCR test every 14 days.

When am I required to get a booster?

You are required to take booster shots to ensure your green pass remains valid even six months after receiving the vaccine doses.

People who have had two or three doses of Sinopharm can receive a booster dose of Sinopharm or Pfizer six months after the last dose they received.

Those who have had two doses of Sinopharm and a Pfizer-BioNTech booster can receive a booster dose of Pfizer six months after the last dose they received.

After having two or three doses of Pfizer-BioNTech people can receive a booster dose of Pfizer after a gap of six months.

Anyone who has had two Sinopharm vaccines and two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech are not advised to get a fifth shot at this time.

Al Hosn app - in pictures

Updated: April 13, 2022, 10:56 AM