Ras Al Khaimah Police have arrested a young driver for performing dangerous stunts with his vehicle that caused the car to flip over. The police issued a statement on Friday, which said the motorist, 21, was taken into custody and the vehicle was seized. A video of the reckless driving and the car flipping over was shared on social media. Authorities managed to track down the driver shortly after the first video was posted. Police said the man drove recklessly and then lost control of the vehicle. Capt Abdul Rahman Ahmed Al Shehhi, director of Traffic Investigation at the Traffic and Patrols Department at RAK Police, urged drivers to refrain from reckless behaviour on the roads. He requested the public to report such behaviour to the police, instead of circulating videos on social media. The driver was referred to the public prosecutor. Abu Dhabi Police in April <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/transport/video-abu-dhabi-police-arrest-three-motorists-for-reckless-driving-1.1209332" target="_blank">arrested three young men </a>in Al Ain who performed stunts in their cars late at night. Officers also fined onlookers. A video of the stunts, showing vehicles being driven in reverse, was shared by Abu Dhabi Police on its social media channels. Officers said the three men paraded their vehicles in a public street, raced on motorways and in residential areas from late night until morning in a dangerous manner.