A Lebanese woman in Abu Dhabi who won Dh100,000 from the <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/2021/10/14/dubai-crane-driver-with-no-bank-account-wins-dh1-million-in-mahzooz-draw/" target="_blank">Mahzooz draw </a>has said the winnings are a ‘nice surprise ahead of Christmas’. Suzane Saiid Yazbeck, 51, who works as an executive assistant, said she would be able to clear some of her bank loans and send money to her relatives in Lebanon. Ms Yazbeck and two other UAE residents are the latest winners of the prize draw, each winning Dh100,000. “It’s a nice surprise before Christmas. It is really a gift. I would be able to help some of my family members in Lebanon. We are always helping and we continue offering help. It’s a bit expensive there, with the currency dropping low,” she said. <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/business/economy/2021/10/25/lebanon-faces-tough-task-as-imf-talks-restart-capital-economics-says/" target="_blank">Lebanon</a> is facing a major financial crisis, with the Lebanese pound hitting a record low, and trading at about 24,200 per US dollar on Thursday. Ms Yazbeck, who has a 10-year-old daughter, said the winnings would help her clear some of her bank loans. “I’m going to pay my bank loan. I have always dreamt of winning something and I just didn’t believe it when I found out. I started playing Mahzooz a year ago,” she said. “My daughter has been asking me for the newest iPhone. I was going to get it for her for Christmas anyway. This isn’t a life-changing amount, but it still really helps.” Vidya Rajagopal, 31, is an Indian mother in Sharjah who also won Dh100,0000. She said the money would cover her daughter’s tuition fees for the next few years. “A major portion of my winnings will be put aside for my daughter’s future. Now that such a major responsibility has been settled thanks to Mahzooz, I feel secure. To have the remaining amount at my disposal is such a great safety net,” she said. The 52nd weekly draw also had 32 winners who shared the Dh1 million second prize, with each winning Dh31,250. The top prize of Dh10 million is still up for grabs. The next weekly live draw will be held on November 27, at 9pm UAE time. Participants must <a href="https://www.thenationalnews.com/uae/mahzooz-the-uae-s-dh50-million-weekly-draw-is-back-and-here-s-how-to-play-it-1.1111624">register online</a> and buy a Dh35 bottle of water to enter. The bottles are collected by the organisation and donated to charity.