Abu Dhabi Police, pictured attending to an unrelated incident, said a man was arrested after killing three members of his family
Abu Dhabi Police, pictured attending to an unrelated incident, said a man was arrested after killing three members of his family

Abu Dhabi Police: Man arrested after shooting dead three family members

A young man who killed three members of his family with a firearm has been arrested in Al Ain, police said.

Abu Dhabi Police announced the arrest on Monday but released few details of the incident.

"All procedures are being completed to refer the defendant to Public Prosecution," Abu Dhabi Police wrote on social media.

The man's age or nationality was not released.

Firearms incidents are extremely rare in the UAE, with weapon ownership tightly controlled.

Russia's Muslim Heartlands

Dominic Rubin, Oxford

What can you do?

Document everything immediately; including dates, times, locations and witnesses

Seek professional advice from a legal expert

You can report an incident to HR or an immediate supervisor

You can use the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation’s dedicated hotline

In criminal cases, you can contact the police for additional support

Updated: July 26, 2021, 6:32 AM