But expect Washington’s policy to be pragmatic
Plus this isn’t a zero-sum game, as the country’s achievements will benefit us all
Some South-East Asian countries have shown a better, and more humane, approach
One way of looking at it is to let the review of US foreign aid proceed, identify the core humanitarian work and pull out of other projects
Forging a national identity that encompasses all is still an ongoing – and maybe never-ending – task
The US President’s desire to meet Xi Jinping means a grand bargain cannot be ruled out
Liberal democratic politics may well be in trouble, which should force centrists to introspect
The real problem with foreign interference of any kind is that outsiders will never know a country as well as its own people
For a duel between these two elephants would more than just flatten the region’s 'grass'
It is still early days of the new government in Damascus, but it seems to be keen on changing institutions rather than sweeping them away
What strikes UK politicians as big news has hardly resonated in most of the original members of the bloc
Politics in Seoul has deep challenges but they are still solvable by civil means
Something akin to a new middle power may be on the cusp of appearing at the heart of the Eurasian landmass
Coverage of Trump's US election victory and the Amsterdam violence are just two of the latest examples of what's gone wrong with legacy media
The rest of the world should take note of their deal to jointly develop a disputed area in the South China Sea