Visits to France and the UK, as he takes on Donald Trump, suggest Canada’s new leader is ready to make that leap
Whether decisions made today in America will be reversed tomorrow is a growing concern
In last week’s White House drama, it’s clear which leader was playing to which audience
The source of the sudden slump in transatlantic ties is complacency over the lessons of history, but it isn’t too late to learn from them
Rather than bringing order to a disordered world, the US President is being a disruptor
In a land with plenty of rain, the shortage of water is a symptom of a much deeper crisis
Any new deal between the UK and the EU will be worse than the one Boris Johnson torpedoed in 2020
Trump’s weaponisation of the US economy is intended to show strength, but could be America’s Achilles heel
With Trump back, the Conservatives are beginning to realise Brexit was a disaster
The virtues of consistency are undeniable but diplomatic changes of direction are necessary at times
Whatever his motivations for riling up the continent's mainstream politicians, there is only so much energy he can expend doing so
A new movie on the US president-elect's early business life offers insights into he might govern for the next four years
Will the successes of America's 46th president outweigh his failures?
Shooting of a healthcare CEO is tied in with the grievances of countless Americans, in regard to their medical fees and insurance costs
Despite shaky political ground, France has restored a building that has existed for almost a millennium and may – we can hope – last for hundreds of years in the future