The International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) said on Tuesday it has cancelled the Artistic All-Around World Cup in Tokyo, which was also to be a test event for the Olympics this summer, due to difficulties related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The event, which had been scheduled for May 4, was meant to conclude this year's all-around series. However, the cancellation of two earlier events led to the scrapping of the series as qualifiers, the governing body said. "For this reason, the decision has been taken to cancel the World Cup in Japan, especially given the current travel restrictions and difficulties worldwide as well as the measures taken by the Japanese authorities to limit the rate of coronavirus infections in the country ahead of the Olympic Games," the federation said. In a separate statement, Tokyo 2020 organisers said they would hold an operational test event on May 4 with a national gymnastics event, adding that there was no change to the May 8 rhythmic gymnastics test event.