The UAE's ODI match against Ireland in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday has been suspended, the Emirates Cricket Board has announced. The decision, supported by Cricket Ireland, was made after a new directive was received from health authorities. It followed over 48 hours of self-isolation by the UAE team after four members of the team reported positive cases of Covid-19. The ECB said in a statement released late Monday that the new directive requires the UAE team to remain in quarantine for an extended period of time. The UAE were due to play Ireland in a four-match ODI series with Friday's six-wicket win for the hosts the only match completed so far. Discussions are ongoing regarding rescheduling of the remaining matches. On Saturday the ECB confirmed batsman <a href="">Alishan Sharafu</a>, 17, was the third player to test positive for Covid-19 after Chirag Suri and Aryan Lakra, who returned positive tests ahead of Friday's first ODI at Zayed Cricket Stadium. The second match, slated for Sunday, was initially pushed back to Saturday, January 16, though it remains to be seen whether the remaining matches will go ahead.