The year 2020 has been <a href=",China's%20roads%20by%20year's%20end">declared</a> a "breakthrough" one for electric vehicles, with sales of EVs up around the world, even in the petrol-happy US. With tax breaks, new infrastructure plans and Covid-related discounts on zero-emission autos, the market may be at a "tipping point", according to the World Economic Forum. But host <b>Mustafa Alrawi</b>, assistant editor-in-chief, says not so fast. "There's hype everywhere you look," <a href="">he wrote</a> in <i>The National</i> last week, and argued the market is not that much different from other speculative assets such as NFTs, Bitcoin and Spacs. He and co-host <b>Kelsey Warner</b> unpack the fundamentals of supply and demand, the technology being developed in the broader transport sector and how shareholder value is being affected by EV euphoria.