Business Extra from World Economic Forum: Where will electric vehicles be in 2030?

More than 700 government officials, international organisations, politicians, corporate leaders and entrepreneurs have been gathering for two days in Riyadh for the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) special meeting to address the most important issues of the day and making an economy work for everyone.

One of the topics discussed during the event was transport and shipping at a time when stakeholders are trying to ensure climate issues are not overlooked.

In this special episode of Business Extra, recorded at the WEF, host Cody Combs sits down with Robert Falck, chief executive of Einride, one of the hottest start-ups that makes sustainable and autonomous electric vehicles that can transport lots of goods and services, usually carried by petrol-consuming lorries. Falk participated in the forum to talk about the future of EVs in 2030.

Updated: July 23, 2024, 11:22 AM

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