Business Extra: Tech Edition - AI-generated deepfake videos, why should we worry?

AI-generated deepfake videos and images often go viral, deceiving millions before the truth comes out, and even then, it keeps on circulating.

In fact, 2023, according to one study, saw a record-setting number of AI incidents.

Can anything be done amid a technological climate where it’s easier than ever to create deepfakes?

The short answer is yes, and as we speak, researchers are finding ways to identify deepfakes faster than ever.

In this episode of Business Extra podcast, host Cody Combs sat down with Professor Hao Li, associate professor of computer vision Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence to know more about that and the first of its kind research hub, dedicated to immersive communication, digital content and spatial computing.

Updated: February 24, 2024, 4:07 AM