This year's Edelman Trust Barometer report, titled <a href="" target="_blank"><i>The Cycle of Distrust</i></a>, showed that governments and the media around the world are creating an atmosphere where distrust is the default setting. Only 50 per cent of people, on average, trusted the media, with governments faring only slightly better at 52 per cent. In the UAE, the government, business, NGOs and the media are all considered trustworthy, although media scored the lowest at 64 per cent. Perception of business rose by 11 points to 78 per cent, and the government came top, with 87 per cent of respondents saying they felt they could trust authorities. <a href="" target="_blank">Omar Qirem</a>, chief executive of Edelman Middle East, talks to hosts <b>Mustafa Alrawi</b> and <b>Kelsey Warner</b> about how to ensure you communicate effectively in an environment of high trust and higher-than-ever expectations of chief executives, employers and governments in the UAE and Saudi Arabia. <b>In this episode</b> Why is trust important? (01m 13s) The losses during a collapse of trust and the gains from building trust (04m 55s) The trusted sources of information (08m 14s) How companies are taking accountability and retaining trust (11m 33s) Diversity brings forth diverse ideas (17m 44s)