Your editorial, Twitter is evolving into the town hall of the 21st century (October 10), was a good read. Among social media platforms, Twitter seems to be playing a leading role in creating dialogue. Just look at the Twitter account of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai. He has millions of followers. The fact that Twitter has managed to create a very big impact despite allowing only 140 characters per tweet is laudable.
K Ragavan, India
Frugality does not mean you have to live a boring life
I refer to your article, I retired at 37 after achieving financial independence in two years' (October 9). The author is advocating basic frugality and saving tips. I suggest people read, take note and use him as a role model. So many expatriates overly indulge in lucrative lifestyles. The roads are full of flashy cars that people on Dh10,000 to Dh20,000 salaries have no business driving, restaurants thrive on brunch-goers paying Dh500 a head and bars are full of people willing to spend their weekly earning on drinks. After all of this, we hear people complain about how expensive the country is (rather than the fact that these people got themselves into deep financial trouble by maxing out their credit cards paying for goods and services that they don't need). Frugality does not mean you have to have a boring and sad life. There are plenty of things you can do for half the price. There are countless good restaurants that don't cost an arm and a leg to dine in. For one thing, cooking at home is better for both your health and your wallet. There are many choices out there. People just need to be sensible.
Elena Zhukova, Dubai
Can we add legal studies into Emirati School Model?
In reference to your article, Emirati School Model will expand to UAE's international private schools, says minister (October 7), I would love to see legal studies added into the curriculum as an elective.
Maryam Al Falasi, Dubai
Don't want debt? Don't take out so much credit
I refer to your article, The Debt Panel: We cannot shake the Dh80,000 sitting on our credit cards (October 5). This family saves Dh10,000 a month and still can't pay off their credit card debt despite living in Jumeirah Lakes Towers and owning two cars? This is truly shocking. Pay debt before saving, it's as simple as that. I've been four years here and I have not managed to save a penny. There are many people who get by on much less. I, for one thing, am so financially behind that I don't think I'll ever get to go back home. These people need a reality check.
Name withheld by request
How can a family not manage their finances on such high incomes? It makes no sense. We get by on a lot less and yet, we manage despite having three children at school and two cars.
Nadia Sarie, Dubai
The value we attribute to objects is subjective
I refer to your article, What makes these scruffy shoes worth Dh150,000? (October 10). Things are only worth what someone is prepared to pay for them. Monetary value is therefore a subjective phenomenon, if you ask me.
Tanya Milbourne, Abu Dhabi