Every few years, the toy industry has a big hit that seemingly takes the world by storm. From hula hoops to Super Soaker water guns, there are many former must-have toys that once occupied this coveted spot. The motor board is the fad toy of the moment. You have certainly seen one of these two-wheeled, battery-powered hoverboard-like devices on the streets or in the malls by now. Children, and some adults, use them as a fun way to get around town.
Given the self-balance scooters’ spike in popularity, the Abu Dhabi Police have warned parents of the potential risks involved in using them. Naturally, they are extremely dangerous to use on the road and children must enjoy them in the safety of places where they are allowed.
While these devices should cause debate about their safe use, we must remember that they are, after all, just a fad. Let’s use them responsibly while remembering that their popularity will fade only to be replaced with the next hit toy.