I am pleased with your report about unused iftar food going to the needy (Excess food from Emirates Palace iftars distributed to Abu Dhabi's needy, June 12).
It is heartening to know that Emirates Palace is making every effort in collaboration with the Red Crescent to put leftover food to good use and prevent wastage.
Sharing, helping those in need and offering charity are the essence of Ramadan. And to feed the hungry is one of the most noble and rewarding deeds.
I hope that hotels and restaurants across the country follow suit and contribute towards helping the needy, some of whom cannot afford two decent meals a day.
Fatima Suhail, Sharjah
This is great to see and well done to Emirates Palace. It would be even more amazing if Emirates Palace and other hotels continued this generous giving after Ramadan.
There is always so much excess food from brunches that could go to needy hungry people rather than waste it.
Siobhan Sheehy, Abu Dhabi
This should be done by all hotels not only during Ramadan but throughout the year. They usually throw all of the excess food in the rubbish.
We can use this Ramadan as the start of a drive to end hunger and help those in need.
Hanna Sharabaika, Dubai
It's a shame this is only done during Ramadan. There is a real chance to do this type of service throughout the year because we enjoy abundance in this country and have to encourage initiatives that share the bounty across society.
Kim Marsh, Dubai
Great to read this story during the holy month of Ramadan. What can we do to encourage other hotels to follow suit?
Many of my friends talk about food during this time of year and try to think of the best ways to help the needy.
It is great to see one hotel start a trend but what can I do as an individual in my daily life throughout the year?
Wish there was something I could do throughout the year.
Zelma Gonsalves De Souza, Dubai
Another horrible US shooting
Innocent people have been killed in a Florida nightclub shooting rampage. It was the deadliest mass shooting on American soil. While the attack may be connected with international extremists, the fact is that the shooter was easily able to get high-powered firearms.
Americans must make a decision if they want their people to have easy access to these weapons. President Obama said that he would end this gun culture because it harmed peace. I pray for the victims and the grieving family members.
K Ragavan, India
We need better drone laws
I found your editorial about the proper use and regulation of drones timely (Drone use needs clear regulations, June 12).
As with many other technological innovations, commercially available and affordable drones, combined with additional technology, present many opportunities and threats.
How we as nations adapt to the evolving nature of the situation presented by drone use is the real test, and shows our character and values.
David Debye, Abu Dhabi
The real cause of racism
I am writing about racism in India (Racism is a clear and deadly reality in India, June 1). No one hates just to hate. There are other factors at work.
It is always easy to consider yourself an outcast or victim of racism, but many people do not make any attempt to do something positive to change negative views of them.
If you integrate in society, are kind and work hard, there is not one nation or people who dislike you.
There are too many people complaining everywhere in the world about racism when they could be doing something about it.
Brigitte von Bulow, Abu Dhabi
A lot of what is written here is political propaganda of a certain party to gain sympathy. Racism has long been used for such goals and so why should this situation be any different?
Mustafa Hamid, Abu Dhabi