Fine-tuning your parking skills can make a lot of difference for other motorists. Asmaa Al Hameli / The National
Fine-tuning your parking skills can make a lot of difference for other motorists. Asmaa Al Hameli / The National

Think before you park

Poor parking habits, such as double parking, are both obstructive and irritating for other drivers and they can be a downright turn-off when it comes to visiting a mall. As The National reported yesterday, the lack of stern penalties means people routinely park across two spaces in mall car parks and too frequently demonstrate a lack of consideration for other drivers.

What makes people behave this way? Parking spaces are clearly marked so it should not be too difficult for the average driver to wedge their vehicle in precisely – and neatly. It’s true that sometimes people double park because they are in a hurry but really, unless it is a matter of life and death, there is no excuse for taking up two or even three parking slots just because it’s easier. One way to address this is for malls to enforce the rules strictly and call the police, who in turn, ask drivers to move their cars and pay a fine as well. But ideally, drivers themselves should be more mindful of others. This applies not just to car parks but to life.

Four tips to secure IoT networks

Mohammed Abukhater, vice president at FireEye in the Middle East, said:

- Keep device software up-to-date. Most come with basic operating system, so users should ensure that they always have the latest version

- Besides a strong password, use two-step authentication. There should be a second log-in step like adding a code sent to your mobile number

- Usually smart devices come with many unnecessary features. Users should lock those features that are not required or used frequently

- Always create a different guest network for visitors