A reader shares her experience of travelling on metros in Dubai and Delhi. Jaime Puebla / The National
A reader shares her experience of travelling on metros in Dubai and Delhi. Jaime Puebla / The National

The metro is a microcosm of the world

I have spent most of my life in the UAE. A couple of years ago I went to study at a university in Delhi, where life was hectic. I often travelled in a crowded metro.

Once while travelling, a woman standing next to me asked me to make some space for her, which was clearly impossible to do as there was no space to move. I politely asked her to wait until some people got off the coach. But she grumbled. On another occasion, I gave my seat to an elderly woman standing next to me. She was kind enough to make some space for me to sit. In a nutshell, I had the opportunity to meet a variety of characters on the metro, which is why for me it is a microcosm of the world.

Metro stories seem to be the same in many countries. While I was travelling with my mother on the Dubai Metro long ago, I met two Chinese men. Looking at us standing, they immediately offered their seats to us, saying “Hindi Chini bhai bhai” (Indians and Chinese are brothers).

One reason I love to travel by the metro no matter where I am is that I get to watch the many shades of humanity.

Samreena Ashraf, India

Sheikh Zayed’s rich legacy

I refer to the opinion article We have to live up to Sheikh Zayed's legacy (June 24). Sheikh Zayed is the role model for all Muslim rulers. They should learn from him how to develop a nation.

Muhammad Azeem Sarwar, Dubai

I loved Sheikh Zayed for his values, vision and kindness. He was a true leader.

Amitis Etemadi, Dubai

Blame tenants for rent rises

I don't blame anyone but tenants for the rising rents (Dubai and Abu Dhabi rents still rising despite fall in demand, report says, June 23).

I know a few people who did not have any problem when their rents went up after the first year. They did not even try to negotiate. The landlord would naturally expect the same reaction if he hiked the rents. But at some point, everyone faces a problem.

It’s at this point that complaints start pouring in. It’s important to remember that rents can be negotiated with the landlord.

Accepting any amount of increase just because it fits your budget today will hit your back sooner than you think.

Tatiana Efremova, Abu Dhabi

Brexit fallouts are temporary

I wonder what the reaction would have been if Greece or Italy had decided to leave the EU (Brexit: property and investment experts' analysis, June 25). The devaluation of the pound is simply a knee-jerk reaction and more speculative in nature.

It’s similar to the oil price falling when Opec announces that they have not reached a consensus on a production freeze. It’s usually temporary as fundamentals rather than speculation set the price. But what appears to be a crisis could be an opportunity.

It’s an opportunity for the UK to look at other trading partners such as China, which holds over $1.2 trillion in US bonds. This means they can liquidate some of those funds and invest in UK assets at discounted rates. Nevertheless, the EU has a membership of 27 countries so I can’t see how it’s in trouble.

Randall Mohammed, Dubai

It’s all about adventure

In response to the letter Why the noise over climbing? (June 26), I have climbed as far as the Everest base camp.

What makes people walk in extreme cold for eight hours each day? It’s the thrill of adventure, it’s the thrill, the desire to see what lies beyond.

Many will not understand this feeling unless they ditch their television remote and move out.

Arif Khan, Dubai
