I know how difficult it is to engage young boys and get them to attend school (<a href="http://www.thenational.ae/business/property/how-dubai-is-using-affordable-housing-to-build-for-the-future">Building for the future</a>, June 19). Yaqoub Alhamadi is an inspiration and I hope others follow his lead as it will change the future of this country. <span class="Letters-Title">Samantha Attfield,</span><span class="Letters-Title"> Abu Dhabi</span> <b>Abu Dhabi needs more bus shelters</b> Abu Dhabi’s Department of Transport has many modern buses and offers plenty of routes, but not enough shelters to protect commuters from the heat of the sun as they wait for a bus in summer. There are some air-conditioned shelters in the city, but too few to really count and some of them require maintenance. What’s the point of having air conditioning in a bus shelter if it doesn’t work? If it’s too difficult to maintain air-conditioners, why not just replace them with fans? The issue of too few bus shelters is particularly acute in the suburbs, where they are practically non-existent. But it should be mandatory to have a shelter at every stop. For many people, there is no option but to commute by bus. If there is nowhere to shelter, the heat can prove fatal. If Abu Dhabi wants to encourage people to leave their cars at home, it will have to ensure that the requisite public-transport infrastructure is in place. <span class="Letters-Title">Gitanjali Saxena,</span> <span class="Letters-Title">Abu Dhabi</span> Peace comes from within With reference to the article <a href="http://www.thenational.ae/arts-lifestyle/the-review/why-dressing-well-can-bring-tranquillity-and-a-bond-with-allah">Why dressing well can bring tranquillity and a bond with Allah</a> (June 5), I believe that even the poorly dressed and the less fortunate have much the same bond. Peace and tranquillity comes from within. <span class="Letters-Title">Belinda Wallington,</span> <span class="Letters-Title">Dubai</span> <b>Reasons to love the UAE</b> I am delighted to see Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed meeting special needs children (<a href="http://www.thenational.ae/uae/sheikh-mohammed-bin-zayed-reaches-out-to-special-needs-students">Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed reaches out to special needs students</a>, June 5). Special needs children need more attention here. I hope that such gestures will highlight the plight of disabled children. The attitude of our leaders explains why people love and respect them so much. How many leaders in this world would care to spend time with special needs children? It is gestures like these that help society prosper. I hope others learn from our leaders. I am happy that I came to the UAE rather than going elsewhere. <span class="Letters-Title">Abid Rana,</span><span class="Letters-Title"> Abu Dhabi </span> <b>Why I’m smitten by beautiful Bali </b> Panna Munyal’s account of her trip to Bali was engaging (Emirates launches direct flight to beautiful Bali, June 19). Reading it made me fall in love with the island, which seems to have so much to offer, from beaches to fresh seafood and spas to accessories. <span class="Letters-Title">Fatima Suhail,</span><span class="Letters-Title"> Sharjah</span> <b>Tejar initiative is laudable</b> Regarding the report <a href="http://www.thenational.ae/business/retail/tejar-gives-emirati-entrepreneurs-a-helping-hand">Tejar gives Emirati entrepreneurs a helping hand</a> (June 18), this is a fantastic initative and the government should be applauded. Small and medium enterprises are the back bone of any economy. They create jobs and contribute to the country's overall wealth. But as small businesses find, it is difficult to expand without access to capital. Whether it is to purchase new equipment, penetrate new markets or hire more staff, access to funds is essential for growth. However, it should be remembered that not every bright idea turns in to a profitable business and statistically, small businesses fail more often than they succeed. It is important for the entrepreneur to have the skills necessary to run a business. This is why I would recommend that Tejar train potential entrepreneurs on how to set objectives, develop annual operating plans, cost and inventory management, logistics and supply chain and basic accounting. <span class="Letters-Title">Randall Mohammed,</span> <span class="Letters-Title">Abu Dhabi</span>