Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, has launched the Dubai 3D Printing Strategy, a unique global initiative that aims to exploit technology for the service of humanity and promote the status of the UAE and Dubai as a leading hub of 3D printing technology by the year 2030. WAM
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, has launched the Dubai 3D Printing Strategy, a unique global initiative that aims to exploit technology for the service of humanity and pShow more

Setting the right targets for the future

The UAE has unveiled an ambitious strategy to become a world-leading hub for technology and innovation. As part of this, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, the Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, detailed plans to develop and exploit 3-D printing for construction projects.

New targets for driverless cars in Dubai – a quarter of journeys in the city are expected to be driverless by 2030 – were also set. While these targets might seem daunting at first glance, that is exactly the point. Reaching the targets will require the UAE to build critical infrastructure, create jobs, spur innovation and elevate the country’s position as a centre for talent in the region and beyond.

At the height of the space race in 1962, American president John F Kennedy delivered one of his most famous speeches. “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard,” the president commented. We are setting ambitions targets not unlike the United States did during the race to the Moon. We are doing this to be challenged and to raise the bar of our technological footprint in the Middle East and the world. In a profound manner, reaching these targets constitutes our own Moon challenge.

Innovation requires infrastructure, and the process of reaching the goal of driverless cars and 3-D construction will require infrastructure projects on the scale we have yet to see in the region. “Our vision for development is driven by a deep understanding of future needs, and built on proactive ideas because we want to be in first place globally,” Sheikh Mohammed noted as he unveiled the new targets. “The future does not wait for those who hesitate and slow down. The next stage requires us to act fast and utilise the opportunities.”

He is right. In setting these benchmarks for innovation, we will elevate our own economy and integrate ourselves deeply in the global economy. Just as the race to the Moon resulted in a number of unforeseen advancements such as weather satellites and communication technology, so too will the race to build using 3-D printing manifest in benefits we can’t yet fully comprehend. The process has already begun. The leadership has set concrete targets and now it is up to society to meet them. In so doing, we the nation will entrench the UAE’s global position as the falcrum for ingenuity.

Tailors and retailers miss out on back-to-school rush

Tailors and retailers across the city said it was an ominous start to what is usually a busy season for sales.
With many parents opting to continue home learning for their children, the usual rush to buy school uniforms was muted this year.
“So far we have taken about 70 to 80 orders for items like shirts and trousers,” said Vikram Attrai, manager at Stallion Bespoke Tailors in Dubai.
“Last year in the same period we had about 200 orders and lots of demand.
“We custom fit uniform pieces and use materials such as cotton, wool and cashmere.
“Depending on size, a white shirt with logo is priced at about Dh100 to Dh150 and shorts, trousers, skirts and dresses cost between Dh150 to Dh250 a piece.”

A spokesman for Threads, a uniform shop based in Times Square Centre Dubai, said customer footfall had slowed down dramatically over the past few months.

“Now parents have the option to keep children doing online learning they don’t need uniforms so it has quietened down.”

Shooting Ghosts: A U.S. Marine, a Combat Photographer, and Their Journey Back from War by Thomas J. Brennan and Finbarr O’Reilly

Israel Palestine on Swedish TV 1958-1989

Director: Goran Hugo Olsson

Rating: 5/5

Tributes from the UAE's personal finance community

• Sebastien Aguilar, who heads, a non-profit community where people learn to invest Bogleheads’ style

“It is thanks to Jack Bogle’s work that this community exists and thanks to his work that many investors now get the full benefits of long term, buy and hold stock market investing.

Compared to the industry, investing using the common sense approach of a Boglehead saves a lot in costs and guarantees higher returns than the average actively managed fund over the long term. 

From a personal perspective, learning how to invest using Bogle’s approach was a turning point in my life. I quickly realised there was no point chasing returns and paying expensive advisers or platforms. Once money is taken care off, you can work on what truly matters, such as family, relationships or other projects. I owe Jack Bogle for that.”

• Sam Instone, director of financial advisory firm AES International

"Thought to have saved investors over a trillion dollars, Jack Bogle’s ideas truly changed the way the world invests. Shaped by his own personal experiences, his philosophy and basic rules for investors challenged the status quo of a self-interested global industry and eventually prevailed.  Loathed by many big companies and commission-driven salespeople, he has transformed the way well-informed investors and professional advisers make decisions."

• Demos Kyprianou, a board member of

"Jack Bogle for me was a rebel, a revolutionary who changed the industry and gave the little guy like me, a chance. He was also a mentor who inspired me to take the leap and take control of my own finances."

• Steve Cronin, founder of

"Obsessed with reducing fees, Jack Bogle structured Vanguard to be owned by its clients – that way the priority would be fee minimisation for clients rather than profit maximisation for the company.

His real gift to us has been the ability to invest in the stock market (buy and hold for the long term) rather than be forced to speculate (try to make profits in the shorter term) or even worse have others speculate on our behalf.

Bogle has given countless investors the ability to get on with their life while growing their wealth in the background as fast as possible. The Financial Independence movement would barely exist without this."

• Zach Holz, who blogs about financial independence at The Happiest Teacher

"Jack Bogle was one of the greatest forces for wealth democratisation the world has ever seen.  He allowed people a way to be free from the parasitical "financial advisers" whose only real concern are the fat fees they get from selling you over-complicated "products" that have caused millions of people all around the world real harm.”

• Tuan Phan, a board member of

"In an industry that’s synonymous with greed, Jack Bogle was a lone wolf, swimming against the tide. When others were incentivised to enrich themselves, he stood by the ‘fiduciary’ standard – something that is badly needed in the financial industry of the UAE."


The Lost Letters of William Woolf
Helen Cullen, Graydon House 

Sri Lanka-India Test series schedule
  • 1st Test India won by 304 runs at Galle
  • 2nd Test Thursday-Monday at Colombo
  • 3rd Test August 12-16 at Pallekele