I refer to your article, The 'right to bear arms' is an excuse for inaction (October 10). The author's assertion that "a recent study shows that since 1970, more American civilians have died as a result of gun violence than all the war dead in every American war since the war of independence" is mindboggling. The figures were only recently released and covered in major news networks. How can such an advanced nation not do anything about this issue?
Michael Dowds, Dubai
Rough estimates of American casualties in all wars are pegged at around 1.1 to 1.2 million, with the majority being killed during the civil war and the Second World War. By contrast, the yearly death rate by guns in the US since 1979 has been between 28,000 to 39,000, so taking an average, that is about 1.5 million people in total.
Jaques Grish, United States
Guns also allow for easy, impulsive suicides, which need to be included in the data.
Name withheld by request
Not everyone can afford costly cancer treatment
I refer to your editorial, Early detection benefits each and every one of us (October 4). Unfortunately, timely breast cancer screening is not a free procedure and still depends on insurance approval. Oftentimes, to diagnose anything correctly, you need both a mammography and ultrasound scan. Insurance companies are not willing to pay for both and often give you the cheapest of the two (ultrasound scanning) and even then, you still end up with a bill of around Dh200 to Dh300 or more depending on your level of insurance. People in lower income brackets simply cannot afford either expensive insurance schemes or the bills you need to pay to get screening. In many countries, mammograms are free after 45 and women are invited for an annual check-up by local hospitals. Why do we need to wait until "pink October" and hope some hospitals will offer it for free?
Elena Zhukova, Dubai
In my humble opinion, various drugs prices should be regulated in the market.
Salman Iqbal, Dubai
Manicure lovers, bring in your own nail kits for peace of mind
I refer to your article, Dirty dangers lurk in some salons (October 4). I would like to thank The National for this article. Our company has been working to raise awareness around nail safety and hygiene at salons. We believe manicure fans should be able to enjoy beautiful nails with peace of mind when visiting their favourite salons. As you noted in your feature, we always suggest bringing in a personal nail kit so that they don't have to share tools with others.
The Nail Edition, Singapore
When humanity brings out the best in us
I found your article, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed praises Emirati woman who saved life of truck driver (October 4), very touching. In a world where it is more common to take video clips of accidents, this woman did what should be done. She instinctively helped a fellow human. God bless her.
Wiltrud Matthes, Dubai
This woman did exactly what humanity and Islam taught us.
Fareiha J Khan, Dubai
Courage is not merely in the hearts of the land's sons, but in the hearts of the daughters who call this land home.
Rama Krishnan, Dubai