It is hoped that the new treatment will alleviate the symptoms of MS. Courtesy: AFP stock image
It is hoped that the new treatment will alleviate the symptoms of MS. Courtesy: AFP stock image

Ministry of Health to be lauded for cracking down on antibiotic overuse

I was delighted to read your article highlighting the recent crackdown by the Ministry of Health on pharmacists selling antibiotics without prescriptions (Pharmacists in UAE face action on antibiotics, November 20). Excessive or inappropriate use of antibiotics has led to a global public health crisis, as some infections become ever more difficult to treat. As a doctor working in the UAE for more than eight years, I have seen patients using antibiotics as if they are herbal supplements that are to be taken for a few days. I often see pharmacists selling the antibiotics to patients without a prescription and many doctors caving to pressure from patients and writing antibiotic prescriptions for viral infections. In Abu Dhabi today, common stomach infections like Helicobacter Pylori (an infection that can lead to the development of ulcers and stomach cancer) are resistant to standard antibiotics like clarithromycin. I congratulate the Ministry of Health on this move and hope that they set up a hotline on which residents can report incidents of pharmacies selling such drugs without prescriptions.

Nigel Umar Beejay, UAE

Abu Dhabi is a global city by any standard

Your article The four factors that make a city a global magnet (November 21) was a good read. Tom Fletcher was right to point out that more and more people seem to be visiting universal cities like Paris and London year after year thanks to their dynamism. What made the writer conclude that Abu Dhabi is on par with these renowned hubs is the fact that tolerance, culture, inclusion and youth cultivation are integral to the capital's development agenda.

K Ragavan, India

Syrians have enough on their plate already

I refer to your article Syria talks: Head of opposition High Negotiations Committee resigns (November 20). Syria is a sovereign state. It's best foreign forces stop meddling. There is already so much misery already being inflicted upon them.

Evelyn Prokop, United States

There is more than one perk to boarding last

In reference to your article, British Airways upsets customers with new boarding policy (November 20), I always board last anyway. What's the point of hurrying up there when your seats are reserved?

Moaz Bhutta, Dubai

Marriage is all about respect and patience

I refer to your article One in three Abu Dhabi divorces were marriages lasting less than 12 months (November 20). It's how you were raised, my opinion. It also might be the generation. Not a lot of people know the value of respect now a days, but without it, you've got nothing.

Marisol Ogaz, Abu Dhabi

Marriage is in need of love, respect, loyalty, understanding, patience, kindness and fidelity.

Asyah Elisabeth Meel, Abu Dhabi 

Divorce has nothing to do with nationality or religion. You end up living with a person on a daily basis, not a passport or a religion.

Khurram Takkhar, Dubai 

How to protect yourself when air quality drops

Install an air filter in your home.

Close your windows and turn on the AC.

Shower or bath after being outside.

Wear a face mask.

Stay indoors when conditions are particularly poor.

If driving, turn your engine off when stationary.