Readers welcome the plan to introduce calorie information on restaurant menus. Jaime Puebla / The National
Readers welcome the plan to introduce calorie information on restaurant menus. Jaime Puebla / The National

Menus should specify details of ingredients

Instead of giving calorie information, restaurants should specify the ingredients of the meal (Calorie content information will soon be on the menu in Dubai, January 10).

Too many of them use cheap ingredients that are full of chemicals. People should educate themselves that calories are not important but the quality of the food is. I want to know which restaurants use cheap industrial oil for cooking and which ones use organic butter.

Emina Behrem Al Ali, Dubai

How about forcing all restaurants to serve only freshly cooked real food, to not use additives and preservatives and banning upsizing any meals and drinks as well as “all you can eat buffets”?

Jessica Bladh, Fujairah

There’s a restaurant in Dubai that is already listing the calories in its food. It also gives the protein and fibre content.

Randall Mohammed, Dubai

This is great. Can we have label comparison pricing in supermarkets next, to allow consumers to make more cost-effective purchasing?

Sam Clarke, Dubai

Good luck getting all those small restaurants and cafes to do that.

Mike Bruski, Dubai

Passports are held illegally

In reference to UAE employers detaining workers' passports can be jailed and fined up to Dh20,000 (January 8), checking and enforcement are important. Some workers do not complain to the authorities for fear of losing their jobs.

Jase White, Dubai

Housemaids, security personnel and labourers hand over their passports to their employers and can’t leave without permission.

If it’s illegal, then the authorities should print flyers in various languages and make sure this is well understood. Then they should start fining companies that keep passports.

Kimberly Whittenberg Dezarn, Abu Dhabi

The majority of employers here hold the passports of their employees. If it’s illegal, how do they do it?

Kamrul Islam, Dubai

Cut down on sugar, feel better

I went sugar-free for a long time (Can you go 30 days without sugar? Dubai Health Authority sets New Year challenge, January 5).

It is amazing that sugar shows up in everything. Ketchup was one of the big surprises. I felt a lot better, but could not keep it up.

Nancy Reberg Bailey, Dubai

Fat is created when the body stores the glucose that it cannot use immediately. You cannot lose weight by converting this fat back into glucose if your body is constantly flooded with glucose.

Therefore, giving up sugar and carbs will have a massive impact on health and significantly reduce body fat.

Given the level of diabetes in this country, this challenge could have a really significant impact.

Ruth Button, Dubai

Exercise is just one solution

Regarding the article (Exercise better than pills in battling depression, UAE doctors say, January 7), exercise can be one part of the approach, but it should always be multifaceted.

Ignoring the benefits of medication is naive.

Daniella How, Dubai


1. Black holes are objects whose gravity is so strong not even light can escape their pull

2. They can be created when massive stars collapse under their own weight

3. Large black holes can also be formed when smaller ones collide and merge

4. The biggest black holes lurk at the centre of many galaxies, including our own

5. Astronomers believe that when the universe was very young, black holes affected how galaxies formed