Reader distinguishes the suicide bomb attack in Medina from the one in Baghdad. Noor Punasiya via AP
Reader distinguishes the suicide bomb attack in Medina from the one in Baghdad. Noor Punasiya via AP

Medina attack ‘more shocking than Baghdad’

After the suicide bomb attacks on Medina were described as an attack on this country too (UAE condemns 'bloodthirsty' terror attacks in Saudi Arabia, July 6), some people have been asking why the bombing in Baghdad that killed more than 200 people has not received similar prominence.

As an Iraqi myself, I know that when the holiest cities are in danger, it’s more shocking than a suicide bombing in Iraq, which has been a war zone for so long.

Certainly, we should all wish that the souls rest in peace and we all feel the pain of our brothers and sisters in Baghdad.

Aouse Al Anee, Abu Dhabi

There is no doubt that the attack in Medina had shock value but I question those who see it as different because it is the second holiest site in Islam.

Often the worst kind of cruelty is to value one life above another based on religion, nationality or race.

If you want to condemn all kinds of terrorism against humanity, you might as well mention the recent attack in Baghdad.

Rosil Azawi, Dubai

Can Brexit help the Palestinians?

With regard to your opinion article, Israel can't avoid the fallout from a disunited Europe (July 6), Israel has already survived 60 years of illegal occupation, apartheid, genocide and United Nations resolutions against their government.

To suggest that this British nonsense will suddenly put an end to it makes no sense whatsoever.

Gianmaria Vidale, Dubai

Some of those who have responded to this article have maintained that there is no occupation and that there is no apartheid because there are a million Arabs living in Israel with Israeli citizenship.

This makes me laugh out loud. Maybe someone should tell that to the Ethiopian Jews living there? Or how about the Arab Jews?

Elham McMillan, Abu Dhabi

‘Shameful’ case of police abuse

The video of the arrest of Emirati businessman Ahmed Al Menhali ('They were brutal with me' Emirati describes arrest in US after being mistaken for ISIL member, July 4) reveals manifest disrespect.

Mr Al Menhali complains that they broke his phone and the policeman replies: “Yeah? Well you’ve broken my nail.”

Such disrespect is shameful. I am an American and I would like to apologise on behalf of my country.

Name withheld by request

The police overreacted at first and then underreacted when Mr Al Menhali collapsed.

The police had nothing to go on other than the call from the receptionist, who should be fired. This is what happens when you watch CNN too often for too long.

Paul Harts, Sharjah

Turtle movie is not just for kids

With regard to your article, Film review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows is one for the kids (July 6), the movie and the characters have wide appeal, so it's not really fair for them to be trapped in being "only" for kids when originally these were not made for a young audience.

It’s OK to say this film is more appealing to kids rather than the casual viewer, but let us not use it to generalise about the whole franchise on the basis of one film.

Name withheld by request

How can anyone kill their mother?

Your story, Murder of mother 'by Saudi twins' whips up storm of debate over medieval scholar (July 6) makes me wonder how any child can kill his own mother.

If true, these twins are doomed for life – the blood of the person who loved them and raised them is on their hands.

This is the first time that I have heard an allegation of Muslim boys treating their parents like this. In my experience, Muslim boys always adore their parents, and especially their mothers.

Fernadia Kearns, Al Ain

This woman raised them for 20 years and they were inside her for nine months. If this allegation is true, they have killed one of the people who loved them so they could join a group with so much hate.

It’s like they don’t use logic and have let other people control them like dolls.

Muhanned Al-Belooshi, Abu Dhabi

God bless her for trying to stop her sons from apparently joining a terror group such as ISIL. May she rest in peace.

Anthony Edwards, Abu Dhabi

Sam Smith

Where: du Arena, Abu Dhabi

When: Saturday November 24

Rating: 4/5