Students undertake an eight-week robot design workshop at NYUAD. Mona Al Marzooqi/ The National
Students undertake an eight-week robot design workshop at NYUAD. Mona Al Marzooqi/ The National

How digitisation is transforming education

In a digital world where the technological landscape continues to change, impacting the way business is done and how people communicate, the need for quality education is ever more critical for our younger generation, who need the right skills and knowledge to meet the demands of a constantly changing environment.

Rote learning is a characteristic of a bygone era. Pedagogical methods today demand an emphasis on critical thinking, creativity and innovation. That requires modifying education curriculums and emphasising skills of a new economy, where the technology continues to disrupt the traditional way of doing business and changes the demands of the job market. These are the prerequisites of a knowledge economy and intrinsic to making our nation more competitive.

With the backing of our wise leadership, which since the union of this nation has placed an emphasis on education as a strategic imperative, we at the Abu Dhabi Education Council and Ministry of Education have worked diligently to ensure our education system evolves congruently with the digital age, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

As ever, teachers play a pivotal role on this journey. They are not only role models for the youth but integral architects who help redefine the education system and equip students with the skills required by a knowledge-based economy.

We recognise that learning no longer revolves around the ability to just read, write and perform arithmetic. In the advent of the digital age, drivers of change such as artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology and 3-D printing have a resounding impact on the evolution of education, the demographics of the business landscape and the skills required to meet the demands of the future.

By 2025, demand for technology and computational thinking skills will grow by about a fifth, according to the World Economic Forum. These technologies will create 2.1 million new jobs by 2020, jobs that require knowledge in computing and skills in mathematics, architecture and engineering.

That is why as part of the overhaul of our education curriculums, Adec and the Ministry of Education have incorporated digitisation into the learning process. Our schools of the future place an emphasis on critical thinking, innovation, collaboration and problem-solving. The education curriculums will include history, geography, economy and social studies, but also focus on technology, design innovation, health science, general skills and business management.

With the arrival of immersive technology and its growing prominence, subjects like virtual reality and augmented reality, IT and programming have been or will be introduced in primary and secondary schools.

Last year, Adec introduced Google CS First as part of our curriculums for 450,000 students. Coding has become an important component for students to create programs, applications, games and learn robotics. Over the past year, Adec has also introduced 3-D printers into about 91 schools at innovation clubs where students can design any object they want. Adec has already trained more than 12,000 people in the new curriculum and how to use resources effectively.

These technologies empower teachers with the ability to change the model of learning. A number of schools exemplify the success of a smarter education strategy. Tablets have been integrated into classroom learning. Programming labs have been rolled out that encourage students to focus on problem-solving skills and robotics. Abu Dhabi’s Al Ittihad Model School embodies the pivot towards critical thinking, problem-solving and collaboration. Umm Al Quwain’s Falaj Al Moalla Secondary School for Girls underpins the emphasis on mathematics, science and technology. Dubai’s Omar bin Al Khattab Model School encourages innovation through interactive learning.

These are but a few examples of the transformation taking place within education. Design technology, innovation, problem-solving, coding and creativity underpin the new focus of education as opposed to a unilateral focus on project-based learning. As the dynamics of education continue to evolve, it’s easy for one to envisage students submitting their assignments online in the future, participating in a classroom discussion on their digital devices or attending classes online.

Education as always is a work in progress. Teachers are the agents of change. Their unremitting commitment is crucial to ensuring the youth of tomorrow, who are force of change, are prepared for the challenges of the 21st century.

Dr Ali Al Nuaimi is director general of the Abu Dhabi Education Council

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