Middle-aged mothers have a plight of their own. Silvia Razgova / The National
Middle-aged mothers have a plight of their own. Silvia Razgova / The National

Hats off to all those brave mothers out there

I greatly related to the article, The midlife baby blues (September 28). As a middle-aged mother, I salute the writer for coming forward with this article that reflects the lives of many. You are a brave person and you don't give yourself the credit that you deserve. There are many fathers who don't help new mums. There are women with no families or support systems. You should be proud of your contribution.

Marwa Kaabour, Dubai

How do you realistically stop someone stalking you?

I refer to your article, This is what happened when I faced a stalker (Septmber 28). How do you report such horrible behavior, when someone starts sending you obscene messages? It doesn't matter if you are married, single, young or old, these pests don't seem to care. So what do you do?

Elena Zhukova, Dubai

London should expel those deemed suspicious

I am writing in relation to Con Coughlin's article, Why does London continue to turn its back on Cairo? (September 28). The writer states the obvious when he claims that the current UK government "finds it difficult to maintain a constructive relationship". This, in my opinion, is due to the negative stereotypes that Salafi asylum seekers have helped create and who London often finds itself harbouring. It is no wonder that London was hit hard by the very mantra it prides itself on. They have allowed residents of the Muslim Brotherhood to continue residing in the capital. I hope London comes to its senses and realises that healthy relations with Cairo is in the best interests of both parties and that allowing potential criminals to reside in the country won't help matters.

Moe Kasem, Dubai

There is no need to keep moaning about price increases

I refer to your article, Smokers bulk buy cigarettes to beat 'sin tax' imposed today (October 1). I don't understand why people are so worked up over this price increase. The money will be used to further improve infrastructure and safety. I cannot understand the huge fuss everyone is making. Expats seem to be moaning about price increases, all the while forgetting that in other developed countries in the West and in the Far East, people are charged as much as 20 per cent in VAT and all kinds of other taxes, whether on income, corporation, savings, capital gains, inheritance or many other categories. People should stop complaining and remember that we don't pay personal income tax in the UAE. We live in a beautiful and safe country which, at the end of the day, has to be paid for from somewhere. Nothing in life is free.

Tanya Milbourne, Abu Dhabi

A smoking ban in public places would be great for everyone.

Zak Khan, Abu Dhabi

Unfortunately, educational campaigns and taxes still have not deterred people from smoking in the United Stated. A pack of cigarettes there can reach Dh40, and you'll still see people smoking.

Beverly Newell, Ras Al Khaimah

I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Try going to Australia, where you will pay around Dh100 per pack.

Anthony Edwards, Abu Dhabi

I definitely noticed firsthand that shops haven't been able to stock up on any cigarettes. The shelves I saw were totally empty.

Sally Barnes, Abu Dhabi

Taxation is on the cost price, not the sales price, so in effect, the increase will be around 50 to 75 per cent of the current retail price.

Naveed Azam, Dubai

Sam Smith

Where: du Arena, Abu Dhabi

When: Saturday November 24

Rating: 4/5

Indoor cricket World Cup:
Insportz, Dubai, September 16-23

UAE fixtures:

Saturday, September 16 – 1.45pm, v New Zealand
Sunday, September 17 – 10.30am, v Australia; 3.45pm, v South Africa
Monday, September 18 – 2pm, v England; 7.15pm, v India
Tuesday, September 19 – 12.15pm, v Singapore; 5.30pm, v Sri Lanka
Thursday, September 21 – 2pm v Malaysia
Friday, September 22 – 3.30pm, semi-final
Saturday, September 23 – 3pm, grand final

Saturday, September 16 – 5.15pm, v Australia
Sunday, September 17 – 2pm, v South Africa; 7.15pm, v New Zealand
Monday, September 18 – 5.30pm, v England
Tuesday, September 19 – 10.30am, v New Zealand; 3.45pm, v South Africa
Thursday, September 21 – 12.15pm, v Australia
Friday, September 22 – 1.30pm, semi-final
Saturday, September 23 – 1pm, grand final