British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been has been take to the hospital for tests after concerns of continued symptoms from Covid-19. Getty
 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been has been take to the hospital for tests after concerns of continued symptoms from Covid-19. Getty

Wishing Boris Johnson a speedy recovery from Covid-19

Wishing Boris Johnson a speedy recovery

Regarding Jack Dutton and Callum Paton's report Britain's Boris Johnson in hospital overnight with persistent coronavirus symptoms (April 6): hope he recovers and gets back to action soon. Best wishes.

Amin Mahmood, Dubai

This deadly virus attacks all people yet some world leaders are reluctant to enforce stricter restrictions. Good thing Mr Johnson is following the advice of doctors and is in isolation.

K Ragavan, Bengaluru, India

Please just rest, Boris.

Daniel Sugarfed Rose, Dubai 

Landlords have mortgages to pay too

In reference to Alice Haine's report Sharjah government urges property owners to delay rents for tenants (April 5): this is a good step and will be a widely appreciated in this time of restricted movements.

Shehb Malik, Dubai

What we must appreciate is that landlords have financial obligations too. The need to pay mortgages and service fees, which they have to sign off on time to avoid penalties. So let's be fair minded about what they have a right to expect.

Mohammed Al Ayoubi, Dubai

We must remember this ordeal will come to an end 

Regarding the news story Coronavirus latest: UAE confirms 294 new cases (April 5): this ordeal will also come to an end. I cannot wait to some day read the news about a vaccine being finalised and global health authorities declaring that the coronavirus medicine is ready for use. That will be a good day.

Fitsum Lema, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

We must all take heart. By next week the numbers in the UAE might go down as we would have by then gone two weeks of no international flights. For all we know, this will reflect on the number of new cases.
Hussain Alhamo, Abu Dhabi

We just need to be careful. The worldwide figures seem high but coronavirus has a low fatality rate. We all need to stay calm and use the time to educate ourselves on the facts of the disease and read some good books in our spare time.

Armen Kostanyan, Dubai

One baker has got people swearing off bread

With regard to Ruba Haza's report Ajman baker who spat in dough being tested for Covid-19 (April 5): that is so irresponsible of him. This will make some people think twice before buying bread. The man should be punished.

Nelson Mwaura, Nairobi, Kenya