Lebanese President Michel Aoun chairs the new government's first cabinet meeting at the presidential palace in Baabda last Saturday. AFP
Lebanese President Michel Aoun chairs the new government's first cabinet meeting at the presidential palace in Baabda last Saturday. AFP

Will the new government restore Lebanon’s glory?

I write with reference to your article Back from the brink: Lebanon has avoided economic collapse but containing Hezbollah's influence remains a challenge (February 4).

Raghida Dergham’s article was thorough and thought-provoking. The country has faced many hurdles and is now preparing for the new challenge of restructuring its old framework.

Luckily, the Lebanese economy has not disintegrated but it appears that its biggest task is to rebuild its government.

Will the new administration take care of its citizens and ­return the nation to the famous global destination it once was? For this, we will have to wait and see.

K Ragavan, Bengaluru

Social media overuse is fraught with bad vibrations

Regarding your article The WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger merger: What's really in it for Facebook? (January 28), it's high time we determine some of the more negative influences of mobile phones and other wireless technologies. There is, for instance, a phenomenon called phantom pocket vibration syndrome. From time to time, children and some adults have the feeling that their mobile phone is vibrating in their pockets when it's actually not. They check it immediately and see that it was a false alarm.

A recent study found that 89 per cent of teenagers had experienced this type of sensation. This is especially prevalent among teenagers and undergraduates, many of whom are addicted to social media. They tend to be more anxious and nervous. Missing a text message feels like a real tragedy to them. Reducing the overall use of mobile phones and shutting off the phone’s vibration function are good ways to combat and deal with this syndrome.

Dr Faisal Khan, Saudi Arabia

A historic moment of peace and unity for the UAE

Regarding your coverage of the Pope in the UAE, I watched his speech tonight on television. What a historic event. Wishing peace to the whole world.

Name withheld by request
