Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. Getty
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. Getty

The Syrian regime is covered in the blood of innocents

I write in response to Faisal Al Yafai's op-ed Assad's claim that he is willing to rewrite Syria's constitution is merely a fig leaf (May 29): after killing his own people, the Syrian president's claim that he is giving a new face to the constitution amounts to a further abuse of those remaining in the country. Syria has already lost incalculable wealth, resources and, most important of all, people and knowledge. The whole world is aware of what to expect from the present leadership, which is covered in the blood of innocents. 

It might take decades and generations to restore normality to the country but the history of the regime’s brutality can never be rewritten, nor can constitutional amendments make up for the deaths of so many civilians. It is utterly disappointing that we have reached this stage. The UN and the international community dithered as the Syrian regime killed freely and millions of ordinary people fled the country.   

Ramachandran Nair, Oman

These doctors inject true meaning into Ramadan

Doctors Shamsheer Vayalil and BR Shetty, featured in your article  'It's good business': billionaire doctor Shamsheer Vayalil on giving half his fortune to charity (31 May), are laudable figures. It is remarkable indeed that they have decided to give away half their fortune. It is particularly wonderful that Dr Vayalil made this decision in the holy month. 

K Ragavan, Denver

It’s not difficult to have a healthy lifestyle in the UAE

I write in reference to Anastasia Miari's article  How to practice mindfulness when living in a big city (May 31): it is a reminder that Dubai has many open beaches, numerous parks, walking, running and cycling tracks and various sports venues. Many of these are free. People just need to decide that they want a holistic and well-balanced life, then go out and take advantage of the many options available to them. 

Robert Castro, Dubai

Could exams in the cooler months mean better grades?

Your article  Hot weather lowers exam results, study shows (May 30) prompts me to wonder if it would not be better to move the school year from January to December, with exams closer to the end of the year? 

Irshad Valli, Dubai

Don’t answer calls from unknown numbers

I write in reference to Ramola Talwar Badam's article  'Wangiri scam' hits UAE: Foreign gangs target residents with phone calls and phishing texts (May 29): this happened to me last week with a Shanghai number.

Jolene Cummings, Dubai

Zidane is right to quit while he’s ahead at Real Madrid

I am writing in response to the article  Zinedine Zidane says 'time is right' for him to step down as Real Madrid manager (May 31), Zidane knows when to stop. This is a very good move for him. 

Zdravko Boykov Zdravkov, Abu Dhabi
