I write with reference to your editorial Imran Khan is learning the tough lessons of public service (Nov 11) and Rajendra Aneja's subsequent comments to your letters page.
Mr Khan carries no political baggage and is known for his focused credentials, devoid of any compromise on points of principle. For the media to egg him onto a collision course on a religiously sensitive issue is misplaced.
Remember what happened when Pervez Musharraf took on the extremists holed up in the Lal Mosque in Islamabad?
We would also do well to recall the prudence and agility with which Mr Khan recently handled, with great success, the equally volatile situation regarding the proposed cartoon competition of the Prophet Mohammed in the Netherlands, which sparked mass protests in Pakistan.
In the instance of the Asia Bibi case, Mr Khan declared at the very outset and with absolute clarity the government’s position in backing the Supreme Court’s verdict.
The troublemakers were not appeased but only allowed to follow due legal process in appealing the verdict. Video footage appears to show some evidence of groups attempting to take advantage of the situation by fomenting instability.
This is clearly an attempt to derail Mr Khan’s agenda of rooting out corruption from Pakistan.
Mohammad Hamza, Dubai
The news belongs to us all, not any one political group
I write in reference to your article In an age of information overload, who can we really trust? (Nov 13). Gavin Esler's thoughts on the overwhelming tide of all we now have to deal with were extremely interesting.
Despite the advancement in information technology being positive in many ways, biased reporting and fake news are increasingly common. This is deeply regrettable.
News should be authentic and neutral and should serve only the truth, not the interests of political groups. We have to be able to trust the information we are given.
K Ragavan, Bengaluru
Drivers and riders should look out for each other
I write with reference to your article Motorists hit back at danger driving claims by 'menace' delivery bikers (Nov 12). I believe that both sides to blame here. That being said, I consider myself a safe driver for the most part, and I find that a lot of delivery drivers do flout the rules and take risks with their own safety. Among other things, I have seen riders going through red lights and cutting across paths.
It is my belief that there needs to be a more advanced training course for delivery drivers. I also think drivers of larger, four-wheeled vehicles need to be more aware.
Name and address withheld by request
So-called motorists in Abu Dhabi have zero cause to complain about anyone else’s driving. I have witnessed speeding – dangerous high-speed tailgating, fast drivers in slow lanes – continual lane-switching, no indicating, parking on roundabouts. I could go on and on about this. The only surprise to me is that there aren’t more accidents.
Neil Younger, Abu Dhabi