The article Sharjah a cricket oasis (January 22) was a good read. Apart from being known as a cultural city, Sharjah is also known for its wonderful cricket stadium, where I watched many international matches between 1995 and 1997.
The pitch is excellent and is a favourable one for batsmen. It is no wonder that the stadium has attracted visitors from all over the world.
K Ragavan, India
Nuclear energy better than alternatives
I agree with those people who support nuclear energy (80 per cent in UAE ‘agree with nuclear energy’, January 23).
Nuclear energy is the world’s largest source of emission-free energy. Of all energy sources, nuclear has perhaps the lowest impact on the environment, including water, land, habitat, species, and air resources.
Nuclear energy is the most eco-efficient energy source because it produces the most electricity relative to its environmental impact.
Nuclear power plants also provide low-cost and predictable power at stable prices and are essential in maintaining the reliability of the electric power system. Many countries are increasingly relying on nuclear power to fulfil their energy demands.
T Mansoor, Dubai
AAP expected to do a better job
I am commenting on Kejriwal calls off protests after police breakthrough (January 22).
Arvind Kejriwal has uniquely branded himself as a politician-activist. But the chief minister created a huge problem for the people of Delhi by launching two days of protests, which saw four metro stations closed and the main part of the capital inaccessible for the common people.
This is not the way a chief minister should conduct himself. It was also shocking to see how he called off the strike suddenly after two policemen were sent on forced leave.
His initial demand was for the suspension of at least five policemen who failed to obey a minister’s order. He also declared earlier that his demand was “non-negotiable”.
What transpired to make him call off the protest so quickly? Was it lack of public support or threats from the Congress party that it would withdraw support?
Whatever the reason, Mr Kejriwal seems to be no different to other politicians. He and his Aam Aadmi Party have exposed themselves and their popularity has already plummeted.
If Mr Kejriwal cannot manage Delhi properly, how can he dare to dream of contesting the national election?
Sunita Joshi, Dubai
If the Aam Aadmi Party wants to contest national elections, it has a lot to learn. Protesting and conducting raids is not the way to win the people’s hearts and minds.
The chaos faced by Delhi residents due to the chief minister’s protest – which hardly achieved anything – made them extremely angry.
Instead of agitating over such trivial issues, Mr Kejriwal should try to ensure that the capital does not get choked when it rains, that there is proper maintenance of the drainage system and that traffic jams are eased.
There is no point in blaming others. A smooth administration is more desirable than this kind of chaos.
Nina Nagpal, US
Is breastfeeding law the solution?
I am commenting on the article FNC passes mandatory breastfeeding clause for Child Rights law (January 21).
This law was really required. Breastfeeding is a child’s birthright and no one should snatch it away from them.
Moiz SA, Sharjah
You cannot legislate this. It’s something that women can or can’t do. Sometimes it is a choice, sometimes it’s not.
This is a highly emotional issue. I am a great advocate for breastfeeding, but it is not as easy as some people may think.
Nicola Jane Ablett, Abu Dhabi
While passing a law may seem to be a bit extreme, it does appear that many new mothers have never been educated about the benefits of breastfeeding their newborns.
These benefits are not restricted to the mother-child bond; breast milk also helps babies defend against viruses that can be potentially fatal.
I hope that women will be excluded from any penalty if their bodies cannot produce milk or if their child is allergic to breast milk.
As long as those exceptions are made, I think this law should be put in place worldwide.
Name withheld by request