I refer to your report Gaza's first child cancer facility saves patients difficult journey to Israel (February 25). This is indeed great news, especially when we look at the immense plight of children suffering from diseases such as cancer across the world. Since children are the worst affected in conflicthit countries, diseases of this kind add even greater concerns for their families. The Palestine Children's Relief Fund deserves praise for this initiative, which brings much-needed relief to struggling children and their fearful parents.
Since there is an alarming number of cancer cases every year, the easy access to better-equipped facilities is a relief to patients and their families. This new facility taking shape, allowing children to stay with their parents while proceeding with treatment, provides an opportunity to unite wider society behind a common cause.
Ramachandran Nair, Muscat
Beware an ISIS resurgence in rubble-strewn Iraq
I refer to your article Iraq fears ISIS resurgence after killing of fishermen (February 25). After the wanton destruction of Iraq, the current environment is fertile for an ISIS resurgence. ISIS, a poisonous terrorist group of bandits and soldiers of fortune, mobilised by parties with vested interests, will, I fear, be a thorn in Iraqi flesh for a long time to come.
Name withheld by request
Bashir should take action on economic development
I refer to your article Sudan's Omar Al Bashir dissolves government as he declares state of emergency (February 23). This piece on the latest developments in Sudan was a fascinating read. With three decades of military rule behind him, and following weeks of protests, president Omar Al Bashir has declared a state of emergency in Sudan. It demonstrates his intention to bid for another presidential term in the coming 2020 election.
In the coming weeks, he should take action on economic development and welfare.
As ever, the people of Sudan have a right to a peaceful and prosperous life, underpinned by government induced development. We can only hope Mr Al Bashir’s cabinet replacements and new powers will help to bring that about. Whatever the outcome, this will have major implications for Sudan’s global status.
K Ragavan, Bengaluru