With reference to Anjana Sankar's report Compassionate Dubai doctor offers free health care to low-income workers (July 24): That's a very noble cause and he's clearly a wonderful doctor and a great human being. The world would benefit with more people like him.
Jerry Almeida, Mumbai, India
This man's heart is in the right place. However, it would be great if pharma companies came forward as so often consultation is not enough and patients require medication as well but may not be able to afford them.
Nageen Murad Ali, Karachi, Pakistan
This is lovely and just the sort of news that makes you smile.
Samya Ashraf, Dubai
Sinead O’Connor: a troubled talent gone too soon
With regard to Soraya Ebrahimi's report Acclaimed Irish singer Sinead O’Connor dies aged 56 (July 26): A generally odd life, but a very interesting person for all the relationships she's had with people, fame, controversy and faiths. May she rest in peace.
Srinath Sambandan, Visakhapatnam, India
I want to thank her for the joy she's given us. May perpetual light shine upon her.
Annie Toribio, Manila, Philippines
So upset at this sad news. Hope she has found the peace now that it's all over. Condolences to her children.
Glenda Best, Saint Ann, Jamaica
Relief for Kevin Spacey and his fans
With reference to the report Kevin Spacey found not guilty in sexual assault trial (July 26): Thank goodness the jury saw through all the stuff that was being said about him. Given the findings, I think it’s a shame that the show House of Cards let him go. I also understand that other shows or movies waited to hear the verdict before they decided to hire Spacey. I wish him all the luck in the future.
Rocky Taravella, Pueblo, Colorado
Children will play but dangers need to be eliminated
I write to you about the report Miraculous moment child is saved from Indian well after six hours (July 25): Such incidents are horrifyingly common. Parents were understandably anxious about their son. Children playing is normal but unfinished wells can't be left open for children to accidentally fall into. Parents in villages can't monitor children all the time especially when they have to work on the farms. Periodical monitoring is needed from the municipal authorities to see that such dangers are avoided.
K Ragavan, Bengaluru, India