Starbucks customers in Dubai will soon have caloric information for their beverages. Michael Conroy / AP Photo
Starbucks customers in Dubai will soon have caloric information for their beverages. Michael Conroy / AP Photo

Data and healthy living converge

Without doubt, data has become a critical part of a healthy lifestyle for people around the world. Thanks to the explosion of activity trackers and smartphones that collect all types of health information – from our sleep patterns to how many steps we take in a single day – more people than ever are paying close attention to their bodies. The nutritional and calorie content of our food is an integral part of this healthy living revolution.

Therefore, it is welcome news that Dubai authorities are taking steps to incorporate food-labelling rules for restaurants. Under the new rules, all establishments will have to declare the amount of calories in the food they serve. While this will pose an initial challenge to local establishments, international chains that have outlets in Dubai should be able to produce the information with ease. That is because many places, especially in the West, have already taken similar steps requiring restaurants to make calorie information available to customers.

Calorie information is not a one-stop solution for healthy living but a part of a holistic approach to understanding how what we eat affects our body. The more information we have about our food, the better the decisions we can make about what we eat. This is not to say that people should change their diets tomorrow but when we know what is inside our food, we can make the right decisions about what we choose. That sugary coffee drink might become less appealing when you see that it accounts for half of the daily calories a healthy person should be eating.

With the smartphone in your pocket and applications that can evaluate your optimal diet, the appearance of calorie information will be a major help (and incentive) for those that have committed to a healthy lifestyle. As more people become aware of how food affects healthier lifestyles through reading calorie information, there will be an opportunity for restaurants to provide healthy alternatives. There is no downside to Dubai’s decision to embrace calorie information.

Jewel of the Expo 2020

252 projectors installed on Al Wasl dome

13.6km of steel used in the structure that makes it equal in length to 16 Burj Khalifas

550 tonnes of moulded steel were raised last year to cap the dome

724,000 cubic metres is the space it encloses

Stands taller than the leaning tower of Pisa

Steel trellis dome is one of the largest single structures on site

The size of 16 tennis courts and weighs as much as 500 elephants

Al Wasl means connection in Arabic

World’s largest 360-degree projection surface


I Feel Pretty
Dir: Abby Kohn/Mark Silverstein
Starring: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel